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Runners' Mentor is for everyone, from complete newbie to speedy PB hunter. I believe passionately in the power of running to improve your life, and I want to spread the joy.

Despite it's apparent simplicity, the sport can mess with your mind at times. I'm here to give you the best bits, the stuff that works. Oh, and a human ear when you need it most. If you want to train smart and make breakthroughs, we'll be a great fit.

coach Leo

I'm a qualified UK Athletics Endurance event group coach (level 3), level 2 multi-skills development in sport coach and double-digit marathoner who has a sub-3 personal best. I've been coaching TeamRM since 2017 and have helped runners with a wide range of sporting backgrounds achieve great things.


I believe that training volume matters and that working on speed and running economy is central to a runner's development. Trying to lift people up and give them the support they need to shine is an important part of my approach.


Before I went all-in on coaching, I wrote for Podium Runner (now Outside Run) and Men's Fitness, and spent two decades reporting on elite sport for news outlets including the London Evening Standard, Daily Mail, Daily Telegraph, Independent and ESPN.


My work as a journalist gave me a peek behind the curtains of professional sport and I learned what it takes to get the most out of athletes.

Check out Instagram if you want to see what TeamRM has been up to: 

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